Loh Lab | Opportunities


We are moving to Duke University in Fall 2024 and are looking for talented and driven students to join our team.

Graduate students

Prospective graduate students can apply to join our group through one of the following routes:

  • Duke Physics PhD program
  • Duke Electrical and Computer Engineering PhD program
  • Duke Electrical and Computer Engineering Master’s program

Please get in touch directly with Huanqian to discuss opportunities. Please include in your email:

  • Your CV with contact information of 2 referees
  • Academic transcript

Postdoctoral fellow

Postdocs will have the opportunity to play a leading role in the construction of a new atom array apparatus, as well as mentor junior team members.

Talented and driven candidates with a PhD in experimental physics and a strong scientific and technical background in AMO physics are highly encouraged to apply.

How to apply:
Interested applicants should contact Huanqian with their CV and contact details of at least two referees.

Undergraduate projects

We have a strong tradition of taking on undergraduates, be it for UROPS projects or honors thesis projects. Please contact Huanqian for more details and include a copy of your CV and academic transcript.

Contacting us

  • phylohh – at – nus – dot – edu – dot – sg
  • huanqian – dot – loh – at – duke – dot – edu