Loh Lab | News

Jun 2021

It’s international conference season! Mujahid gave a crisp contributed talk on our magic wavelength results at DAMOP. Huanqian will be giving two invited talks, the first one at Atomtronics on 10 June and the second talk at MH 21 in July.

Jun 2021

Our paper by Mujahid et al is posted on the arXiv! We demonstrate an order-of-magnitude increase in the scalabilty of atom arrays, enabled by D1 magic wavelengths that have been theoretically predicted for the alkali atoms but not yet observed before.

Apr 2021

Huanqian is honored to be selected for the 2021 edition of the Asian Scientist 100 list. Thank you @asianscientist for the recognition!

Feb 2021

Vanessa, who just completed her Master’s thesis in the group of Ulrich Schneider at Cambridge University, joins us as a research assistant. Welcome, Vanessa!

Jan 2021

Nigel joins us as an undergraduate intern. Welcome, Nigel!

Jan 2021

Xiu Quan begins a new journey as he makes the jump from atom array factories to real life factories at KLA Tencor. We wish you every success in life, Xiu Quan!

Nov 2020

Huanqian gives 2 invited talks this month: one at the EQuaLS 2020 conference and one at the MRSS annual meeting.

Oct 2020

Huanqian takes part in several industry outreach activities this month. Besides giving an invited talk at an online seminar organized by SGInnovate and Japan Science and Technology Agency, she also begins serving her second term as a council member of the World Economic Forum Global Future Council on Quantum Applications.

Sep 2020

We bid farewell to Wei Hong, who is starting his PhD studies at Northwestern University. Take care, Wei Hong!

Aug 2020

Two papers appear in print: our second graph theory paper in Physical Review Research, and a microwave dressing paper in Physical Review Letters! The latter paper gets selected as a PRL Editors’ Suggestion and is highlighted as a Physics viewpoint.

Aug 2020

We welcome three new students: Luheng from Peking University and Weikun from Zhejiang University join us as first year PhD students, and Siaw Wei joins us as a UROPS student.

Jun 2020

Wen Jun joins our group as an undergraduate intern. Welcome!

Jun 2020

We are back in business after a two-month COVID shutdown. We got our MOT back at the same brightness in pretty much the same position as before the shutdown, almost immediately after we fired everything back up. Kudos to Xiu Quan, Mujahid, and Krishna for working hard to build a stable machine!

May 2020

Huanqian gives a public Zoom talk to junior college students on “The Quantum Race to Surpass Supercomputers”.

Apr-Jun 2020

Our first graph theory paper gets published in Physical Review Research, while our new paper on the universal graph description appears on the arXiv.

Mar 2020

An Qu, formerly from the group of Jean Dalibard at Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, joins us as a postdoc. Welcome!

Feb 2020

Huanqian is honored to be recognized as one of the 15 ‘International Rising Talents’ among 260 fellows worldwide by L’Oréal and UNESCO. Here is the press release from L’Oréal Foundation and UNESCO, announced on the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, with additional news reporting by Asian Scientist, NUS News, and CQT. NUS news reporting in Chinese is available here.

Feb 2020

Congratulations to Xiu Quan on earning his Master’s degree, after much hard work and a beautiful thesis!

Dec 2019

We throw a farewell party for Swarup, as he moves on to greener (or rather, bluer) pastures in the group of David Wilkowski, NTU. Best wishes, Swarup!

Nov 2019

Huanqian is honored to serve on the World Economic Forum Global Future Council on Quantum Computing. She heads to Dubai for a 2-day brainstorming session with fellow council members at the WEF GFC annual meeting.

Participants during the Session “Global Future Council on Quantum Computing” at the World Economic Forum, Annual Meeting of the Global Future Councils 2019. Copyright by World Economic Forum / Benedikt von Loebell